Monday, October 30, 2006

Happy halloween from provo

This year we have it all actual costumes, impressionist pumpkins, Vampire Goths(ask Chris for the Picture)
This halloweem we actually did stuff this year. the ward hosted a spook ally in our back yard which I missed due to my Fall concert.
the first and third pumpkins are carved to resemble Chris(note the smile and the headband)
the second and fourth ones are supposed to be Sam (I hope you can see the brush and beret)

Abe and Erin's are still in the works

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Happy Halloween from Ann Arbor

Happy Halloween!

Here's a quick update on the Michigan branch of the Gong clan: We're getting towards the end of an autumn worthy of Bill Watterson. It's been windy, colorful, and gorgeous. Ann Arbor is a great place for seasons.

I'm getting along well in classes, feeling out options for campus work next semester, internships next summer, and PhD and grant applications after that. The staff and faculty are very supportive; grades look good. Economics and research keep beckoning me back into TJ realms of math and nerdiness.

Erin is working as a program coordinator at a chaotic community center -- a job somewhere between "Stand and Deliver" and "Lord of the Flies." She's also applied to a couple of masters programs for January; we're waiting to hear back about funding.

The neighborhood is very quiet, but we're starting to make friends in my program and at church, and we both have callings in the ward. We're both on the activities committee and Erin just got called as secretary in the stake primary presidency. So I'll be in the supporting role for the next little while at least.

Here's us

Abe is Traffic, Erin is a Domino, and our cast iron ant is Elvis.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Hello Everyone!

This has been a particularly successful semester for me at BYU, other than being bludgeoned to death by economics midterms. But I am doing particularly well in my Unassisted Flying class. I aced my levitation midterm last week. It's an honors section, so it covers credit for that and counts as one of my GE's. It's just one of the many cool classes offered at BYU, so if you haven't gone to college yet, or are thinking about going back, you should come.

Also, on the Harvest ful moon, we had PaganFest up in the mountians overlooking Sundance resort. We had drums, chanting, fire, more fire, tribal dancing and cold.

Plus, there is GONGFEST 2006 at the Chateau Gong in Provo after Christmas this year. Everyone is invited. Show up on the 25th 26th 27th ish. Stay as long as you want. Seriously. RSVP and start buying tickets and stuff. We'll go snowboarding and knit scarves. If you have any other ideas, post them on the blog.

See you all soon,
Christopher Gong

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

So, Im liking this Gong Dynasty

TOtally! We are a Gong Dynasty! There is even a Gong Dynasty here at the academy. Totally rocking! People say my last name more than my first. I am proud.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

hello world

helo gong world
if this works i'll submit a real update soon.