Sunday, August 27, 2006


After two full days on the road, Erin and I got into Ann Arbor late Friday evening. Yesterday we stocked our cupboards, bought some news clothes, picked up a campus parking pass, hooked up our Internet connection (hence this posting), registered for classes, helped some neighbors unload their truck, baked cookies, and both got library cards. Erin also picked up at least 100 paint swatches at a hardware store -- as soon as the furniture gets here we're planning on painting a couple of the rooms.

Like Ann Arbor, the apartment is somewhat bigger and damper than we had expected. For those of you who've visited us in Provo, the apartment is laid out on almost exactly the same floor plan, plus an additional 20% bonus in floor space. After the blurry and imprecise pictures and measurements ("Kitchen - 4x3"?!) on the Umich housing site, we were very relieved to find it so livable. We'll post pictures as soon as we're fully moved in.

Today we'll go to church. Tomorrow we'll hit campus. With a little luck our stuff will arrive on Tuesday and we'll be well settled before the semester starts.

- Abe

Calling all Gongs!

Calling all Gongs!

This is a family blog for friends and relatives of the extended Walter & Jean Gong family. I'm hoping this site can help everyone keep in touch and a little more up to date with each other. Specifically, I'm hoping that Grandma and Gloria will be able to log in once in a while to see what everyone is up to.

Right now we're hosting on Google's blogger site -- which means all content is online and public for anyone and everyone to see. I'm going to take advantage of that by refering friends here for news, but it also means that I'm not going to post anything too personal. Hopefully that will keep the stalkers and creditors at bay.